"La Virgen de la Pandemia"

This painting is located in the Hermitage of Buen Paso (Tenerife). It was commissioned by the priest José Agustín León Rodríguez to the painter Davide Battaglia, who realized it during the Pandemic Coronavirus lockdown (March - May 2020). It represents a Portuguese statue of the "Madonna della O" of the sixteenth century, patron saint of pregnant women, which in past centuries belonged to the hermitage and later ended up in private hands.


The painting was titled "Virgen de la Pandemia" in accordance with the historians of the island. The story of the original statue and the creation of the painting are narrated in the documentary "La Virgen de la Pandemia" directed by Davide Battaglia


"La Virgen de la Pandemia" (2020)
oil on canvas
Eremo di Buen Paso (Tenerife, Isole Canarie)



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